Accidentally Brazilian Eldar Spiritseer by Gustavo
Typically, our content delves deep into the abyss of 40k lore, but Gustavo has shaken things up with a twist of chance and a sprinkle of Brazilian flair. Picture this: Gustavo, the valiant subscriber and inadvertent high-roller, struck gold in the Mines slot game – a triumph celebrated in the far reaches of the galaxy!

The Constellation of Order: Seraphon Starhost by Melissa Holland
Armies on Parade can seem like a daunting challenge if you haven’t attempted it before, and Mel was unsure she’d have the time. So, as a way of joining in, Mel decided to produce this display board for her existing Seraphon army. “I really like the Seraphon. To me, they […]

Owen’s Slaves to Darkness
Armies on Parade is a yearly celebration of collecting and painting Citadel Miniatures, and this year’s event is fast approaching. If you’re not familiar with armies on Parade, it’s simple – build and paint your army, bring it in during Parade Week and compete with your fellow hobbyists. If you’re […]

The Defenders of the Tower of Amareo by Joe Naber
Joe Naber’s board, named ‘The Defenders of the Tower of Amareo’, features all 30 of the Blood Angels’ Sanguinary Guard (ed. presumably before their numbers declined somewhat during the Devastation of Baal). Joe’s display was inspired by the description of the Tower of Amareo on Baal, the place where those […]

Chris Peach’s Army of Hallowguild
One great way to make your Armies on Parade collection stand out is with some killer conversions, and Chris Peach’s Hallowguild army is full of them. What’s most impressive is how he uses colour to tie his models together; while the army is packed with distinct characters and units from […]

Tyranid Invasion Force by Mark Bedford
Armies on Parade is nearly here! It’s not too late to start an entry, but it’s definitely getting down to the wire now. For his Tyranid army, Forge World sculptor Mark Bedford opted for a natural blue-grey and white colour scheme, which ties these creatures to the board wonderfully. While […]

Your Armies on Parade Works in Progress
We asked all of you on Facebook to send us photos of how your Armies on Parade were progressing, and boy did you deliver. Here are a few examples of what you sent in, and they sure are coming along nicely. We can’t wait to see all the finished projects! From […]

Armies on Parade: Publika, Kuala Lumpur
2017’s Armies on Parade was maybe our biggest year yet, featuring awesome entries from all over the world. One store, in particular, saw an incredible standard of entries, showing that even on the other side of the world, the love for the hobby is just as strong as it is […]

Parade Days 2017
Armies on Parade 2017 is over, and as usual, we’ve been blown away by the standard of entries we’ve seen from around the world. Forces from across the Mortal Realms have been on display, alongside heroes of the 41st Millennium and even Blood Bowl teams, and they’ve been nothing short […]

The Prophets of Ynnead by Luke Blick
“I’ve always been a fan of all things Aeldari,” says Luke. “In fact, one of my first armies I collected was a Craftworlds force, but for the longest time I’d not painted any. When the Triumvirate of Ynnead came out, I was slowly drawn back to them – Armies on […]

Sylvaneth & Wanderers, By Andy Dunn
Clad in the spring-greens of Ghyran, this force is so large that it only need be accompanied by a couple of pieces of Citadel Scenery to easily fill a full 2’x 2’ Realm of Battle tile. As well as the greens, Andy has used bright spot-colours to help make his […]

Armies in the Office Follow-up
Well folks, tomorrow is Parade Day, so we hope you’re getting all those last finishing touches on your entry. As every Games Workshop and Warhammer store across the world displays their armies, we are looking at there being as many as a million individual models on parade – how exciting! […]