Deathwing Assault Force and Imperial Knight by Carl Dafforn

Carl Dafforn’s Deathwing Assault force is an incredible display, effectively working with limited models, scenery and colours to create a cohesive, eye-catching and thematic entry. 

This army includes three squads of these elite warriors, led by Belial, Master of the Deathwing. Carl opted for a dusty red, Mars-like board to display them on.

Carl used an old Rhino and some spare Tyranids he had lying around to detail his board. He imagined the Rhino was part of the initial strike force, already corroded by the desert sands.

Rarthanis of House Griffith marches alongside the Dark Angels.

Aside from Belial, all of Carl’s Terminators wear helmets or rebreathers. “It’s the harsh corrosive atmosphere,” explains Carl. “It’d ruin even their toughened lungs. Belial’s just being stubborn.”

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