Chris Peach’s Army of Hallowguild

One great way to make your Armies on Parade collection stand out is with some killer conversions, and Chris Peach’s Hallowguild army is full of them. What’s most impressive is how he uses colour to tie his models together; while the army is packed with distinct characters and units from across the Mortal Realms, it all feels like a cohesive fighting force. Perhaps it could inspire you to make your own creations?

The Army of Hallowguild

Army of Azyrheim, by Chris Peach

The first thing that may strike you about Chris Peach’s army of Order is that it’s an actual army on parade! Chris has chosen units from across Grand Alliance Order to represent the free peoples of Azyrheim marching forth to reclaim what was theirs from the clutches of Chaos.

“I didn’t want just a Freeguild regiment or a Lion Rangers band,” says Chris. “I’ve mixed a lot of different races in the army, much like how Azyrheim is described, so there are duardin, aelves and men, led into battle by Stormcast Eternals, under a common colour scheme of Azyrheim so it felt like a unified force instead of a disparate collection of different races.”

Almost all of the models are converted in some way, using spare parts from their fellows, such as the Greatswords using the hooded heads from the Wildwood Rangers kit. Along with the clean, pure colour scheme Chris has chosen, the conversions really tie the army together for a truly unique and outstanding force.

Chris’ Handgunners were made using Freeguild Greatswords with drakegun arms from the Irondrakes kit, giving them a fantastical, heavily armoured aesthetic.

A selection of some of the Devoted of Sigmar that march alongside Chris’ War Altar. Many of the conversions in the army are from spares in the set, although there are more than a few parts from the depths of Chris’ bits box.

Chris has used the Warrior Priest from Warhammer Quest Silver Tower as one of the many Warrior Priests in his army, and even painted the faithful Gryph-hound white and pale blue, like the other creatures of Azyrheim he painted for the army.

The gleaming Golden Griffon atop the army’s War Altar of Sigmar. Its gilded form was painted in the same way as the rest of the army’s gold. “I start with Retributor Gold,” says Chris, “then wash it Reikland Fleshshade, before tidying it up with Retributor Gold. I then drybrush on Auric Armour Gold, then finish with a final drybrush of Runefang Steel.”

One of Chris’ pair of Battlemages from the Collegiate Arcane, this one rather aptly specialising in the Lore of Heavens, surrounded by a coterie of assistants, acolytes and apprentices.

Marching On

Chris has had so much fun converting, building and painting his army of Azyrheim that he’s decided to keep on adding to it. “There’s so much more I want to add to this army,” he says.

This article was first published in the November 2016 issue of White Dwarf Magazine. Subscribe to get more brand new hobby content like this each and every month.

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